Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Posted at mentalblog.com / Thread: Australian Chabad ablaze in truth:

[A commenter wrote:] "It's easy for them to squash a school when those supporting it are only naive yungerlite with nothing but temimus and chasidishkeit behind them."

I would caution against idealizing one side while vilifying the other. This is usually not representative of reality. What is important to remember is that even the best of people will stagnate without competition. Such is the nature of man by Divine design. Ukvar omru kadmoneinu: kinnas sofrim tarbeh hochmah.

berl, crown heights 07.12.05 - 11:56 am #

And this one (thread: Glasnost rolls on):

Competition in chinnuch is necessary, natural, and is not an act of war against anyone! That some may react to a new competing school negatively is their own problem. Need I remind anyone that OT itself started precisely that way by Rabbi Michoel Teitelbaum A”H?
At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of every parent to give their children the proper chinnuch (and it is not good enough to say "I gave them the best of the available").
At times I did consider starting a small cheder for my kids with like-minded parents.
Through trial-and-error I concluded that as of now in CH (this very time/place specific) the best approach is to place one’s kids “within the system” and augment at home (and augment a LOT!). I do not wish to go into the specifics behind this view and understand that in many places that is not an option at all. There, parents MUST AT ALL COSTS create alternatives for their kids!This is not an issue of “law-and order”. It is an issue of real existential weight.

berl, crown heights 07.13.05 - 12:34 am #


At 6:21 PM, Blogger Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

Excuse me Tzemach, but that post was sent to me directly and was not taken from MB. Understood?

At 8:10 AM, Blogger MEKUSHOR said...

Let me clarify:
Yesterday HT posted an e-mail post that I had written and sent him - they were NOT Berl's words, they were my own.
I apologize for any confusion on this matter.
I also hope Hirshel will keep the link (to here) from my name, so that some additional traffic may pass through this way (incidentally bringing free advertising to mentalblog.com).

I think that since this was a simple matter of confusion that we can all continue to get along just fine, agreed?

At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure competition is healthy, but not always. In crown heights, or some other major city you can open up six new schools and every school will just get better, but that is not the case in many other places. what ends up happening is that both school can't get enough kids and funding, so they are understaffed or can't split the boys and the girls. Both schools are limping! The place is torn apart by politics and the not so frum-yet just send to conservative schools. If only some people would just sit down and work their issues out!


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