Posted at / Thread: R. Elyashiv on force feeding
...I accept that "people who are behind this [attack on Rubashkin] in PETA are conservative Jews", just as you report it. They may even be really well-meaning.
However, wittingly or unwittingly they are lending a helping hand to an organization that is, in my long-held opinion, part of the global political force that is currently aligned against all Jewish interests and is anti-Semitic (their holocaust campaign was not just "shameful and distasteful", it was downright evil and very indicative of how this organization feels about Jews). It should not come as a huge surprise that Jews may be involved in PETA – Jewish רחמנות has been misdirected many times before. What you consider "extreme terminology" [in previous posts] is my actual opinion and I do not know how to phrase it any other way...
On the Rubashkin issue, there should be less room for disagreement. No חומרה can't possibly take precedent over the well being, פרנסה, and reputation a Jewish family. Any serious פוסק (and neither you nor I are that) that feels a need to speak out on this issue – may do so themselves...
1. PETA - must be opposed at all costs.
2. Emotional and finacial well-being of a good Jewish family - more important that any חומרה.
This all I plan to say on this issue.
berl, crown heights 03.02.05 - 3:10 pm Link: #
Oh yeah, and there was this back & forth:
[Berl,] it's not just Lubavitch; Orthodox Judaism has become a political game. To a Chabadnik , no Chabad man can do wrong, A Gerer will defend his compadre as well and go down the line.
Is it not possibile for a Lubavitcher chasid to behave in a manner not 100% correct ?
schneur 03.02.05 - 3:20 pm Link: #
Berl responds:
"Is it not possible for a Lubavitcher chossid to behave in a manner not 100% correct?"
Yes, on this I can testify myself - I am 100% not 100% correct.
"Calling for an investigation" is different that creating a forum for irresponsible run-away allegations of wrong-doing. And I would find it equally distasteful should a similar smear campaign been conducted against ... any Jewish proprietor. Beware of jealousy and other base emotions! On kashrus there is no choice – pick a Rov and rely on him. Leave others alone to do the same. Simple enough.
berl, crown heights 03.02.05 - 3:35 pm Link: #
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