Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Posted at mentalblog.com / Thread: Why Jew is synonymous with counterculture

Folks - whatever floats your boat!
You want "counter culture" that rejects the complacent middle class values and despises the sated bourgeoisie? We will sell that.

You want the "American dream" & respect the productive classes? We will sell that.

You want "new age"? We will sell that.

'Cause it is all somewhat true & mostly BS. So, we will sell whatever - as long as it gets you to put on tefillin and keep shabbos.
berl, crown heights 06.02.05 - 7:11 pm Link: #

berl, this is not a supermarket.
Tzemach Atlas Homepage 06.02.05 - 8:44 pm Link: #

That's your opinion. and I think it is.
berl, crown heights 06.02.05 - 8:53 pm Link: #


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