Tuesday, June 20, 2006


[The idea that] that "all Jews need to be Lubavitchers" is, of course silly. But in this exaggeration there is some truth. Remember, the subject matter [being discussed] was whether Lubavitch (or the Rebbe) wants to recruit other Jews to be Lubavitchers or just to be frum.

My main point was, and remains still, that all the apologists - that say Lubavitch only wants to bring Jews closer to frumkeit - are wrong, both factually & morally. All Chabad Rebbes (starting with אדמו"ר הזקן ) were actively recruiting talented rabbinic youth*.

It was not the Rebbe that first said the נוסח התפילה של האר"י ז"ל was the שער הכולל. As to the Rebbe, I can show you a letter where he states that the ultimate goal of a sheliach is to make everything in his place of shelishus פונקט אזיי ווי עס איז געווען אין ליובאוויטש.

The point – this is the שיטה. And none of this has anything to do with increasing the numbers of "our fold" but is a quest that is rooted in a deep spiritual desire to accomplish הפצת המעיינות של תורת הבעל שם טוב – תורתו של משיח.

Having said this, I understand that this שיטה might make some people uneasy. But that does not change it. Somehow, though, I do not think the Rebbes wanted to uproot that "gorgeous mosaic" (been reading Mayor Dinkins’ old speeches lately? ;-) ) and certainly not the plurality of Jewish approaches to learning.

* Note: regarding this point I refer you to some piquant correspondence between the Previous Rebbe & Zalman Gourary published recently by Berel Levin.

berl, crown heights 05.17.05 - 10:43 am Link: #

Posted at mentalblog.com / Thread: The Satmarer challenge


At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whether or not that was the intent; the mere fact that people from other circles join Lubavitch uproots the mosaic you speak of. Especially when "Juden von di Orientalishe gemeinde" are concerned.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Editor said...

Wher did Berel print the letters?

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Editor said...

It is a dual approach. The goal of Judaism an the goal of Chabad is the same: Lesaken Olam b'malchus shin daled yud. Or as the rebbe would say: "b'shmi or shlo bs'shmi

At 2:07 PM, Blogger MEKUSHOR said...

Thanks for your comments.
I don't think anyone demanded that Berl produce the letters, and lecheira he can be taken at his word.
However, if you really want a maare-makom, ask, and maybe Berl will give to us (if he has time).


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