[The idea that] that "all Jews need to be Lubavitchers" is, of course silly. But in this exaggeration there is some truth. Remember, the subject matter [being discussed] was whether Lubavitch (or the Rebbe) wants to recruit other Jews to be Lubavitchers or just to be frum.
My main point was, and remains still, that all the apologists - that say Lubavitch only wants to bring Jews closer to frumkeit - are wrong, both factually & morally. All Chabad Rebbes (starting with אדמו"ר הזקן ) were actively recruiting talented rabbinic youth*.
It was not the Rebbe that first said the נוסח התפילה של האר"י ז"ל was the שער הכולל. As to the Rebbe, I can show you a letter where he states that the ultimate goal of a sheliach is to make everything in his place of shelishus פונקט אזיי ווי עס איז געווען אין ליובאוויטש.
The point – this is the שיטה. And none of this has anything to do with increasing the numbers of "our fold" but is a quest that is rooted in a deep spiritual desire to accomplish הפצת המעיינות של תורת הבעל שם טוב – תורתו של משיח.
Having said this, I understand that this שיטה might make some people uneasy. But that does not change it. Somehow, though, I do not think the Rebbes wanted to uproot that "gorgeous mosaic" (been reading Mayor Dinkins’ old speeches lately? ;-) ) and certainly not the plurality of Jewish approaches to learning.
* Note: regarding this point I refer you to some piquant correspondence between the Previous Rebbe & Zalman Gourary published recently by Berel Levin.
berl, crown heights 05.17.05 - 10:43 am Link: #
Posted at / Thread: The Satmarer challenge
whether or not that was the intent; the mere fact that people from other circles join Lubavitch uproots the mosaic you speak of. Especially when "Juden von di Orientalishe gemeinde" are concerned.
Wher did Berel print the letters?
It is a dual approach. The goal of Judaism an the goal of Chabad is the same: Lesaken Olam b'malchus shin daled yud. Or as the rebbe would say: "b'shmi or shlo bs'shmi
Thanks for your comments.
I don't think anyone demanded that Berl produce the letters, and lecheira he can be taken at his word.
However, if you really want a maare-makom, ask, and maybe Berl will give to us (if he has time).
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