Monday, May 29, 2006


Posted at -- Thread: We’ll all live happily ever after -- in response to claims that the Rebbe had perhaps taken the Lubavitcher movement in a different direction, with different ideals than that of the previous Rabbeim...

1. The Rebbe’s agenda was at least as intellectual and inward-focused as that of his most illustrious predecessors. He developed תורת החסידות both in breadth as well as in depth to a completely unprecedented level. His מאמרים שיחות פלפולים ואגרות inspired, guided and produced a great number of real משכילים ( וואס שטיין גאר ניט אף די גרעסטע משכילים פון אמאל ). This despite the obvious ירידת הדורות in terms of עבודת התפילה !

2. All the Rebbe’s predecessors (starting with the holy Baal Shem Tov and the צדיקים נסתרים before him) were no less focused on taking responsibility for all segments of the Jewish nation ("kiruv") than the Rebbe. The written record regarding this is extensive. It encompasses the agricultural settlements of the Mitteler Rebbe, the anti-Haskolo activism of the Tzemach Tzedek (as well as his efforts for the kantonist’n), the anti-pogrom activism of the Rebbe Maharsh, and, yes the very establishment of the Tomchei Temimim by the Rebbe Rashab – to educate future "נרות להאיר" and "חיילי בית דוד" in his own words. The Previous Rebbe’s entire tenure was devoted to supporting and spreading observance of מצות מעשיות by the simplest among the Holy Nation. Not to mention the efforts to disseminate תורת החסידות among all Jews that was instituted by the Alter Rebbe & continued by all the נשיאים.

There is much more to write, but this will suffice.

berl, crown heights 04.10.05 - 8:53 pm / Link: #


Followed by:

...the biggest mistake is the idea of the "chief focus". נשיאי חב"ד did not distinguish between the 3 pillars of:אהבת ה' אהבת התורה אהבת ישראל
Without this fundamental understanding any discussion of what the נשיאי חב"ד לדוריהם tried to do is doomed to failure.

berl, crown heights 04.10.05 - 9:04 pm / Link: #


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