Posted at mentalblog.com / Thread: Modern Yeshiva – a Torah prohibition?
I have always wondered how is it, that the very same people who rally against any kabboloh learning by the "unprepared", encourage the pilpul system for young bachurim, ensuring that they leave the walls of the yeshiva ammei hooretz deoraisa, some not even full-fledged members of the min hamidaber (no having a single language they can express coherent thoughts in). That Lubavitch yeshivas copied that system in the main simply blows my mind! Ask any Rosh Yeshiva in Lubavitch what happened to following the method of learning Talmud outlined in kuntres eitz hachaim. A shoulder shrug will be the usual answer. Verabim hallolim hippilu.
berl, crown heights 07.17.05 - 12:31 pm / Link: #
And, from Better eat gefilte fish:
PLEASE STOP! No more "by us", "by them", "by him"! What language are you speaking, people? This is not English! It is MADDENING!!!!!!
berl, crown heights 07.24.05 - 10:58 pm / Link: #
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