P A R T - T H R E E:
1. BTs are discriminated not in any institutional way, but as a natural human response to "immigrants". The level of this discrimination is, therefore, directly proportional to the level of BTs cultural integration: A man who will gladly have his daughter marry a BT lamdan that is also fluent in Yiddish, will not even consider a BT that breaks his teeth over kiddush.
2. BTs attitude to frum natives lacks humanity. That is a first step toward integration and mutual acceptance.
3. BTs, like most humans, make all the "sacrifices" to better their own lives. No amount of whining will change that.
berl, crown heights 10.07.05 - 8:39 am #
[A commenter wrote]: "My theory is that FFB's and BT"s come from opposite places: While growing up as a FFB means maintaining the status quo, becoming a BT means rebellion against the status quo...” …bla, bla, bla... FFB's have the Torah knowledge and can talk the talk but, can they walk the walk?
I also made it quite clear that in my view your "attempt to analyze the sociological differences between FFB's and BT's" is a bunch of hateful drivel.
berl, crown heights 10.08.05 - 9:34 pm #
[And] this is [exactly] the kind of drivel I was referring to here in my point #2 here:
“BTs attitude to frum natives lacks humanity. That is a first step toward integration and mutual acceptance.”
berl, crown heights 10.08.05 - 8:50 pm #
... and while we are at it, let's also solve the following problems (listed in no particular order of importance):
1. Peace on Earth
2. The energy crisis
3. Migration of Mexican workers
4. Geriatric care crisis
berl, crown heights 10.08.05 - 9:17 pm #
And now for some final words of clarification:
[Berl was asked to] "please back up your assertion that my analysis is 'a bunch of hateful drivel' with some reasoning."
hateful – because reducing frum Jews to faceless creatures who merely “imitate their parents” and, by virtue of their birth, probably can’t “walk the walk” is dehumanizing and, therefore, hateful.

(as an aside, if your ancestors had opted to “imitate their parents”, and instead of “rebelling” had stuck to the derech Yisroel sovo, you too would be spared the pain of the BT experience. More importantly, we would all be spared the endless “... monologues” and “the BT dialogues”)
drivel – because your thesis leads to the inevitable conclusion that following in parents’ footsteps has an adverse “sociological” effect of turning a person into a lifeless zombie that is all “about static sameness and doing things out of habit and routine.”
(I leave the word bunch without explanation)
berl, crown heights 10.09.05 - 12:53 pm #
Berl is my blog hero.
For the clear expression of views.
For the clarity of thought.
For the manner in which he can express himself as an unapologetic Chabad elitist and an intelligent unoffensive Jew simultaneously.
For his ability to avoid the pitfalls of both the Aguch-Mercaz-HS-hegemony AND the yellow-flag-nuts. (It should be easy to do this, but for some reason it's such a rarity.)
So I'm not alone...
And how about his ability to insult those with whom he disagrees? ;)
A creative, entertaining and accurate insult brings a pleasure to the (intelligent) insultee as well...
Beser mit a kluger tzu farliren vi mit a nar tzu gevinen
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